Response to Proto-Calls by Verina Gfader

  1. My vote is for Thorsten’s proto-call

A model art biennale!

“For this construction of a possible biennial world various roles are to be assigned that you can apply for: Exhibition designer, Exhibition technician, Architect, Biennial blogger…“

This proto-call seems most attractive to me as it speaks to a larger audience, and yet remains loose, potential, without emphasizing any kind of ‘direct production’.

Yes, ‘biennale’ as some sort of anchor point is urgent to address, bringing to light places you’ve never heard of and you trace… and the whole mythology around them.

Highly relevant, fun, in-time yet ahead, ‘ornamental’

The title would need reformulating, it sounds to ‘occupying’ – hierarchical.


The theoretical tropes in Ronny’s section ISSUE’ sound promising, yet perhaps Deleuze and Guattari are already projecting a most significant (and partially misleading?) grounding.

Paragraphs 2 and 3 great.


Julie’s ideas > To me some great links set up, yet to attract a wider audience it may need more detours/elaboration.

I love some of the phrasing…

Image or diagram would need to be carefully chosen. Maybe call just nicely designed, with lines, arrows etc.








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