Author Archives: Verina Gfader

Response to Proto-Calls by Verina Gfader

  1. My vote is for Thorsten’s proto-call

A model art biennale!

“For this construction of a possible biennial world various roles are to be assigned that you can apply for: Exhibition designer, Exhibition technician, Architect, Biennial blogger…“

This proto-call seems most attractive to me as it speaks to a larger audience, and yet remains loose, potential, without emphasizing any kind of ‘direct production’.

Yes, ‘biennale’ as some sort of anchor point is urgent to address, bringing to light places you’ve never heard of and you trace… and the whole mythology around them.

Highly relevant, fun, in-time yet ahead, ‘ornamental’

The title would need reformulating, it sounds to ‘occupying’ – hierarchical.


The theoretical tropes in Ronny’s section ISSUE’ sound promising, yet perhaps Deleuze and Guattari are already projecting a most significant (and partially misleading?) grounding.

Paragraphs 2 and 3 great.


Julie’s ideas > To me some great links set up, yet to attract a wider audience it may need more detours/elaboration.

I love some of the phrasing…

Image or diagram would need to be carefully chosen. Maybe call just nicely designed, with lines, arrows etc.








Proto-Call: The Coming











CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: World Ornamental Forum 2016

Application deadline:

Kirchnermuseum, Promenade 82, 7270 Davos, Switzerland

Explore the idea of coming– and modeling/exampling across practice and theory; appropriate your own elevated categories as part of your individual or collective endeavors!

Embarking on a new chapter of WOF World Ornamental Forum, we are seeking contributions to this international setting without walls in Davos, Switzerland in Spring 2016. Working and acting from within the Kirchnermuseum, the invigorating surroundings of this alpine region,* loaded with histories of creative restoration, shall form the setting in which agency is given to the coming– or what can be called the future material – enacted by the guests; players, artists, writers, thinkers, curators, editors, scientists and organizations.

Topics of discussion should refer to WOF’s concern with artistic modeling/exampling, the ornamental and the world, the de- and re-vocabularizing of artistic knowledge in response to aesthetic-planetary-sensorial transformations.

Key topics: new vocabularies, format of the format, coming–, temporalities-eventualities, altitudes, sea level, sound theory, meta-phrasing and un-phrasing, ornament, architecture, periodicals, commons and the humanities, scores, stars down to earth.

A new setting dictates a new modus in which to work: there is no material to quote from on hand. The modus is prompted by … (Sergei Eisenstein, 1988)

10 successful applicants will be invited to take part in a prize draw!

Submission Guidelines:

Applicants should submit a one-page proposal in English outlining the specific topic and vocabulary they wish to explore, the format of their contribution, expectations of what WOF should be, and their future involvement in worldly ornamental activities. We will do our best to facilitate the conversations.

Application deadline: September 30, 2015, noon.

E-mail proposal submissions: [ ]

WOF World Ornamental Forum is a conglomerate of creative workers with a growing number of its community and communal spaces.


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*Davos sea level 1560m.

call coming 2016


A new setting dictates a new modus in which to work: there is no material to quote from on hand. The modus is prompted by … (Sergei Eisenstein, 1988)

How do we engage with future materials as a haptic and abstract engagement with the luxuries of redrafting social zones? What tools, knowledges, micro universes, and referential points do we invent, leading to a ceremonial aspect of fabricating the social? What social and non/institutional imaginaries are stitched together and piled up, when the function of things (composites) is no longer given, determined, fixed?

A Possible Field of Reference:






Åbäke: I saw that we had come to a treasure house, filled with tricknology.